Welcome to perhaps the biggest Geocaching International Film Festival (GIFF) ever.

GIFF - Festival 2018

We want to make the weekend for you from 9 to 11.11.2018 a festival.

There will be a carnival-like number of new games in and around Cologne shortly before the festival! A team of local geocachers ventured into topics around our festival and packed them into new geocaches.

On Friday, 09.11.2018, there will be an evening pre-event with a big BBQ in the Cologne district of Deckstein.

Until the festival many game activities around our hobby in and around Cologne will be published. Also at the media location Cologne we will open a few doors for you. There will be more information here on the website, which will inform you in intervals to the event about the additional offers.

Sunday in Cologne is under the motto: "11.11. - Opening off the "Karnevalsession 218/2019" Cologne Carnival "with many thousands of people in the old town. For Carnivalists the "fifth season" starts. Of course there will be a timely farewell to the GIFF Festival 2018 for carnival friends and carnival muffle.

3 times K: Kölsch, Kino and Karneval - a fun weekend in November


Friday, 09 Nov. 2018

With the Cologne slogan: „Drink doch ene met!“ (Have a drink!) the team from Janz Jroß Kinema invites you Friday November 9th to a cozy BBQ evening at the Deckstein Tennis Club. A fresh draft and treats from the menu will add to the gossip.


GIFF - Festival

Saturday, 10 Nov. 2018

For some years we celebrate in the fall a movie night with selected short movies from around the world covering our wonderful outdoor game and Groundspeak awards a souvenir on top.
This year we want to make it one of the largest „Drive-In“ events.



Sunday, 11 Nov. 2018

You should stop when you are at the top. Nirvana is the state of no desire. The end of the event weekend among friends.

After a strengthening breakfast buffet you can leave the effort of the weekend behind ...


Cleaning up

Sunday, 11 Nov. 2018

It is tradition as geocacher at big event also to give something back to the region. So we want to enjoy the view during a walk along the Rhine at the bollards meadows, at a safe distance we can hear the carnival, but mainly free the nature of rubbish.
